LNE ( ex PRR ) 2-8-2
Had a snow day from work so I spent some time on the L-1. I cleaned off the rest of the unwanted details, filled in, and sanded the boiler smooth. The new sand dome was than added in the correct location. It's a reworked dome that was in my parts box. I don't know the manufacture, but it was close enough to a Pennsy sand dome to work here. It will still need hatches and grabs, ,,,That will be latter. [Image: lnel1003.jpg] If you compare this shot to this one of a Bowser K-4, [Image: lnel1004.jpg]you can see that the new dome is now closer to the smoke box. Both models use the same boiler. The boiler on the K is unmodified and shows the original location. I will still need to add a new boiler band. With this step finished, it was time to add some of the new details.

When I mounted the steam turret I had to try to blend the old cast on pipes with the new ones supplied with the cal-scale part. I think I pulled it off pretty well with some putty.[Image: lnel1005.jpg]

[Image: lnel1006.jpg]

The air compressor was added next. I had to modify the strainer to more closely match the prototype [Image: lnel1002.jpg] The strainer was cut free and resoldered in the correct spot.[Image: lnel1010.jpg] I still have to work the plumbing into the right position, but that will wait until I add the air tanks.
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  

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