Transformation: GP39-2 From Shiny Brass to Grimy Green
Thanks for the insight, Randy! I appreciate it!

Let me start by saying that I'm not the sharpest probe in the electrical tool box! It took me years to figure out how to wire my layout without ending up with a short circuit every time I threw a turnout! I finally arrived at a solution using electrically isolated frogs and having adjacent points and stock rails be the same polarity. Seems like that's now the preferred way to wire for DCC, so my wiring from over twenty years ago will apparently be just fine today! At least that's what I'm lead to believe.

Anyway, I'm interested in installing headlamps in both ends of the locomotive, as well as working marker/classification lamps in each end, and maybe a "dim bulb*" in the cab (with the cab detailed with the seats and control stand, I am going to put a crew of LPB's in there.) The brass shell has the appropriate sized holes in it for each type of lamp.

I purchased some 3mm white and 3mm warm white LED's, each with 1K ohm resistors. I got them with the idea of using them for headlamps. I'm guessing they must be "turned down" to fit into the headlamp openings in the shell. Not having access to a mini lathe, I'm not totally sure how to approach this task. Any suggestions? Ideas on how to light the number boards would also be helpful

This diesel stuff is beginning to be almost like work! Steam engines all of a sudden seem a lot less involved ... at least they were before the advent of DCC!

I also have purchased a strip of SMD 0603 LED's which I was assuming I could affix behind the holes for the classification lights with some "canopy cement." I am aware that they would also require at least a 1K ohm resistor.

The whole lighting thing has brought my project to a grinding halt!

* Yeah, I know, the "dim bulb" is typing out this sorry post! 357

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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