Transformation: GP39-2 From Shiny Brass to Grimy Green
P5se Camelback Wrote:How ironic that the President just told us that we should emulate the entrepreneurial spirit of good old Tom Edison to jump-start the economy

Edison stole and bought many of his patents, our commander and chief is telling us to do the same with money issues?

P5se Camelback Wrote:At least Tom's bulb doesn't have any mercury in it, moron!
It's not like you'll put it in your mouth like a thermometer Icon_lol

P5se Camelback Wrote:This whole "New World Order" foolishness scares the crap out of me! Is this to be "The Federation," as in the Star Wars films? Will we still all be free to be who we are, with unalienable rights (insert the Bill of Rights here)

(Rebellion = Star Wars Thumbsup ) Federation is Star Trek

I agree with you, as America wanted cheaper the incandescent won, but if they kept refining fluorescent (instead of putting it on the back-burner) for the 80 years its been around it would have been the leader in 'house lighting' years ago which would have phased out the incandescent.

I don't see the need to ban, but if you show 'the people' how much more effective and cost saving CFL's are compared to Incans the US would eventually drop the Incans or how its put now 'in the cheap, barely used bin at stores'

P5se Camelback Wrote:... and then I'm going to return to working on preparing the shell of my locomotive for paint and decals.

Can't wait for the progress Cheers

Model Conrail

PM me to get a hold of me.

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