Rico Redux - Kitbashing a Klassik Station

First I cut the roof segments to length, tacked them together with CA, then braced them with additional styrene from beneath. This was placed to keep the roof centered on the building and make it removable. I trimmed the peak shingles where they overlapped, about 2mm worth of material hanging over!

Next I sprayed the entire roof with a coat of gray primer and let this dry a day or so. The first color coat was Raw Sienna, straight from the bottle with a really wet brush. I let this dry overnight. Next came a 50/50 black wash, one side at a time, in order to let the paint settle evenly and not run down to the drip edge. After that dried overnight, a final drybrushing of Mudstone. That's it, folks. No additional distressing, or anything fancy. Three colors - a base, a shadow wash and a drybrush highlight. That's the big secret.

I suppose I could have highlighted individual shingles at the base coat stage, but I didn't want to go to all that trouble and I'm really happy with the result using my tried and true basic technique. I think the roof/shingle detail is one of the nicer features of this kit. It comes in especially handy on the passenger depot as you will see later... The underside of the roof on the gables is painted white and the very thin edge just beneath the shingles is painted the same green as the trim. The stovepipe is a metal casting from my chimney parts bin, set into a piece of styrene in order to fully cover the hole in the roof since the casting did not.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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