Scratchbuilding Advice
One of the model railroaders at the club that I now belong to gave a clinic on scratch-building in styrene this past weekend, as one of the annual series of clinics presented each January and February on Saturday mornings at "The Depot."  Interestingly enough, he uses more or less the same system for building walls that I described earlier in this thread.

I bring that up here because he also was responsible for building the structures at Summit, California on the club's layout. If you scroll down to the bottom photo on that linked page and look at the building on the extreme left in the photo of Summit, you will notice the screened-in porch on the left front of the structure. For the screening the builder used silk screen material. It looks quite good ... the silk material used in making a silk screen frame is an incredibly fine weave and the material represents window screen quite well.

You might search out a silk screen shop in your area and see if they'll sell you a couple square inches. (Stan told the story of asking to buy about 9 square inches of material from a local silk screen shop. The owner wondered what he could possibly do with such a small piece of material. Stan said that after he explained what he was going to use it for, the shop owner thought is was such a cool idea that he gave Stan a yard of material, gratis!)  There are several other residential structures on the layout that have screened-in porches as a result, and there is a now a whole neighborhood of houses, being built up from drawings developed from photos of the buildings in that neighborhood in San Bernardino, California.  I will be helping on that project and will develop a thread to document the construction of one of them.

But try the silk screen silk fabric for residential screening.  I think you'll be pleased with the results.

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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