Scratchbuilding Advice
scubadude Wrote:I like the idea of sizing it down a bit to give some forced perspective. I'll go over to Allan's this weekend and see exactly where the footprint is going to be in relation to the layout. With his permission, I'll snap a couple of pics of the area to post here. I have no idea how to down size from there some type of formula to use for measurements, or is it simply eye-balling??? Confusedhock:

Good stuff, guys, thanks.....

The simplest way to do this is to build something in a smaller scale. The next smallest from HO (1:87) is N (1:160), and many of the parts you'd need (like windows and doors) should be available in N scale. This could work for you (or your friend) if the layout lends itself to sightlines that can be controlled. You'll also have to downsize things like trees, vehicles, roads, and the distance increases from teh viewer so as to arrive at N scale in a not-so-obvious-fashion.

I think that doctorwayne has a farm near his Indian Line that is N scale. There should be some pictures available.

EDIT - Here's Wayne's forced perspective corner. The "structures" appear to be N scale cows, but it gives you an idea:


2nd EDIT - Here's a previous thread on the topic with other pictures and discussion: <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="">viewtopic.php?f=44&t=1292&hilit=forced+perspective</a><!-- l -->

The other thing to consider is selective compression that would make the hotel smaller, but still retain the characteristics so it is recognizable. This might include reducing the height (e.g. 5 stories to 4, not applicable in your case) or reducing width (e.g. 6 windows across instead of 10).

Both these techniques can be employed together in cases where illusion of distance is wanted, but space does not allow for a full-"next scale down" model.


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