My diorama that brought me back to model railroading
To resume the ( long story ):
My 80 years old mom went to visit our family in Belgium and brought me back ( as a birthday present ) a HO Marklin engine , the same I used to have as a kid 50 years ago.
The engine sat on the bookshelf for about 1 year.
Then I decided it deserves a better place to stay and while visiting a LHS here in Montréal I saw the Woodland Scenics HO scenery kit.
I had no previous experience with scenery so I purchased the kit and built it.
I'm glad I did , because even if that kit is a little expensive, it's a great way to introduce a model railroader to scenery and it contains all the materials required to build a diorama.


So here is a picture:
[Image: diorama1.jpg]

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