My N-scale still-to-be-named layout
That's sometimes how it goes, needing inspiration one moment, finding the time another, and so on, but the beauty is, there is no time frame, imposed by anyone, except yourselves if YOU choose there to be one. Sometimes it helps to get something done, but more often than not, it will just conflict with other 'life plans' so to speak, so take it a step at a time, and you'll enjoy it more.

To attach pictures, when you're typing a message, scroll down a bit, and go to the section to upload an attachment, that will get that done for you, you might sometimes get the option to 'place inline', this will mean that your picture will be visible with your post, if you don't place in line, it will link to your file stored here somewhere on big blue. :-) I usually 'place inline'.

Looking forward to your piccies! :-)

Be sure to visit my model railroad blog at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

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