Asphalt Parking Lot
Very, very cool! You captured the prototype scene, including the bank building, very well. There is only one minor thing that did not come out as good as the rest : the street markings, esp. those arrows. From what I can see the paint did flow under the masking due to the uneven surface. You could avoid that by using a rather stiff brush and stippling the paint on from above. Very little paint (almost like drybrushing) on the brush and straight from above. That way you can build up the street markings in layers. Its is very slow though, but you have full control on the process. Even faded markings (if desired) could be achieved easily that way.

I could not find a better reference pic right now. Pls ignore the rest of the scene and watch the street marking at the right side of the picture. The white stripe is not weathered yet - it was built up the way I described above. There is a small portion that looks like some paint is removed by the cars tires, but in effect I just did add less drybrushed paint there.


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