Asphalt Parking Lot
Had to start another post due to the erratic reply box...

Here's a photo of the overall plastic prep, black wash for the photo:


Then using thinned craft paints, put on some washes. Depending on the age of the asphalt, it could be quite black, or almost white-gray for very old lots:


Keep adding washes til you get the proper look. I use a hair dryer to speed the drying process. I probably did about 4 washes on this, but varied them for the different areas in the lot to match the prototype. Wash colors would be various grays, blacks, browns, off-whites. All this was done with washes - no need to apply any thick paint - the whitish plastic peeking through helps with the effect of older asphalt that is very light and bleached out. The sanded graininess of the surface really helps control the washes.

After three washes, I sprayed on a coat of Krylon matte finish just to set the initial washes, let that dry a bit, also used the hair dryer a bit to set it. Then did more washes, and a black wash specifically in the cracks.


Now, no photos of this, but I used colors of weathering powders to tie everything together, black, light brown, grays, even white to get where we want to be. Then another coat of Krylon matte spray. Hair dryer action to speed the drying process.

Then, lay out and mask the stripes and lines. On this one, I did change a bit from the real thing because of space constraints. Drybrush the stripe color on as per SP1's suggestion, may take a couple applications depending on what you want. With this lot being older, I wanted some of the lot showing through.


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