My N-scale still-to-be-named layout
Hope everyone enjoyed my last post with the photos.

A project from a couple of weekends ago was to replace a section of track that was causing me issues. I had tried a few times to fix it to no avail. So, I cut the track with my Dremel, soaked the ballast with plain water and tore up the track:

Hmm, should have put up a construction sign of some sort! Eek

Here's the problem: some of the track is inside a tunnel (now don't ask me what that wire-like thing is sticking out of the tunnel portal - have no idea)    

Luckily I have an access hole to reach inside the tunnel from the side:

Okay, time to fix things so trains can run again. First we'll slide the new piece of flex into the tunnel:

Bar Extension - 5' x 2.5' N-scale layout plus two decks of shelf layout

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