My N-scale still-to-be-named layout
Second part (didn't know I'm limited to 5 photos per post).

Power to the track is needed, so I removed some ties and soldered on feeders to the underside (note that this is my first ever soldering job and I only managed to melt one tie - not bad):

Discovered I need another access hole - since the "fascia" is made from cardboard, I simply used a knife to cut another hole, hinged at the bottom:

Temporarily tack the track in place, determine where to cut (yellow tape):

Once the track is cut, let's check things out - oops, we seem to have superelevation but in the wrong direction :oops:

Fixed by adding some wood shims underneath the outside rail:

Bar Extension - 5' x 2.5' N-scale layout plus two decks of shelf layout

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