A House for San Berdoo ... but first, The Garage
Jens ...

That was not my intent!! I truly do appreciate the input ... I do forget that I have some of these things (due to numerous moves and not always unpacking everything.) Along with age and experience comes a rather healthy dose of forgetfulness! You have reminded me that there are some useful modelling impliments in one of my yet-to-be-unpacked-after-a-year-and-a-half boxes, probably buried somewhere mixed in with the boxes of "trick, go-faster" car parts out in the garage! Possibly a project for this afternoon!

Please ... Jens ... all comments are always welcomed! I have not been totally forthcoming regarding my professional background ... for the most part people seem to care less about such things and speaking about my educational, professional background and subsequent accomplishments are often perceived as being braggadocios; therefore I usually don't broadcast any of that type of personal detail unless asked or if the situation warrants some further explanation.

Volunteering such a personal tidbit ...
Last year, when I had a procedure to repair an Abdominal Aortic Aneurism,
it turns out that during the procedure, I was on a ventilator that I had
designed while working for a producer of medical equipment called
Puritan-Bennett ... now that's pretty cool in my book!
But then, my book is rather biased! Wink

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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