A House for San Berdoo ... but first, The Garage
Gary S Wrote:... but my work isn't anywhere near the exactness of your stuff. Your precise surgical procedures make me feel I am bashing stuff together with a 22 ounce carpenter's hammer! 357

Gary ...
Your work would be as precise as mine had you spent a couple decades building operating product prototypes for actual market beta test to a hand-built tolerance of +/- 0.020" ... one of the reasons I use fine cutting jewelers files on styrene ... habit! (If the design calls for two parts to go together with a snap-fit, then they must be a snap-fit! Period.)

Now ... just to put the shoe on the other foot, I spent the first couple decades in the hobby of model railroading absolutely, totally unable to wire simple DC without short circuits 24/7 ... until I discovered isolated, all-gapped power-routed frogs (discovered due to a desire to hand lay turnouts when I got to them ... in place ... no jigs!) I looked on in amazement at your DCC power supply rack cabinet when I first got here and thought to myself ... "There's no way in Hell that'll ever happen in this house!"

The incredible organization of the controlled wire routing was the only thing I thought I might be able to pull off! (My name is on a patent dealing with controlled wire routing and a routing trough system for inside a mainframe computer -- I can't abide a wiring rat's nest ... it make me absolutely insane ... a combination of ADD, and OCD, I guess.) I can build stuff 'cuz I can see it ... but I can't see liitle pluses and minuses running back and forth (or whatever they do) inside a piece of skinny copper wire ... it just doen't compute in my head. More power to you, Gary! (Pun intended!)

And now there's DCC ... Good Lord! I'm lost in the ozone again!

We all have skills ... some in this area, some in that area ... we share them with each other and we all grow in the hobby. That is what makes it so that even when I lose patience with those who are so seemingly "easily offended" by things not "P.C.," and tell myself I'm going to walk away, I can't stay away more that two or three days ... I need my "fix," I require that daily involvement in the great camaraderie here and the unbeliveable cross-pollination of ideas that is the stuff that makes this the Best of the Best when it comes to Model Railroad Forums on the web!

Hands down ... this place is TOP SHELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am incredibly priviledged to be permitted to be a part of it!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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