A House for San Berdoo ... but first, The Garage
Hi All:
I am in Bil's model railroad club...Scale Rails of Southwest Florida ( <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.scalerails.org/">www.scalerails.org/</a><!-- w --> ) but I am an N Scaler. Every year between Janaury and April, we hold weekly clinics, open to the public, on model railroading topics from electronics, to scenery, to locomotive maintainence, to model construction.
I sure hope Bil, and I will nag him for sure, is making a separate copy of his documentation of this house construction, so that he will be able to conduct a clinic next year. Thumbsup Thumbsup
And to think, Bil was not sure he wanted to be involved in a club.....just look back at some of his posts. He has quickly becoming a very positive contributor to our club not only with the house construction but also with operating sessions that we are now conducting.
Clubs are a give and take situation, and as long as someone gives and takes....it is a win win situation for everyone. Bil is a great example of giving and taking.

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