Burlington County (NJ) Model Railroad Club Open House
Nice looking club, G.E.C.! And pretty good sized, too! Looks like you guys have been working on it for quite a while as the scenery looks very close to complete, at least in the areas that you photographed.

The club I recently join still has quite a ways to go with scenis stuff, but there is a group that continues to work on it. Being my first experience in a club, I've been fascinated how there are a handfull of small groups who come in for a few hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays and the work in some little area ... two guys over here on the floor under the lower level running new wiring for a system of "Block Occupancy Status" panels that the elecrtical guys (including a couple E.E.'s) are instituting, thre of the NG guys are tearing up track to install a run-around track at one of the mines, a three-man track crew is checking rail gauge at the points of every turnout in staging, and so on. It has been an eye opener to say the least. It took me a couple of weeks to figure out where I wanted to jump in ... finally requesting an envelope of Tichy Group windows and a sheet with a a floor plan on it ... The House and Garage for San Bernardino.

I find myself wishing I had sought out and joined a club earlier in life! I missed out on years of friendships and collaberation on building, maintaining and eventually operating a large layout ... it really is a bunch of fun, don't you agree, G.E.C.?

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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