Gondolas of Lake Terminal RR.
Dave, sorry. I think that I must disappoint you.
I'm sure that all my already started projects will need this whole year until christmas in order to finish a few of them. I wrote a list to a friend what I would like to do and I must see that there will be not enough time for starting one new project - and I would like to build a few long time wished models - a V&T caboose, V&T water car, two different V&T passeneger cars and a few more other freight cars. However the time is gone year by year also when I am retiered since more than three years and never I finished that what I have planned in beginning of year. And than I should start also my engine rebuilding and digitalizing projects - and where can I buy additional time doing this all? Ok, must I sleep for eight hours in each night?
However when you will build your models by self than you will have a wonderful time and you will be very enjoyed when you have finished your own built models.
Cheers, Bernd

Please visit also my website www.us-modelsof1900.de.
You can read some more about my model projects and interests in my chronicle of facebook.

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