Track moving
Is the track inside the tunnel ballasted? If not, then I surmise this is why it happened inside the tunnel. The rest of the layout is nailed and glued in place because it is ballasted. Unfortunately fixing it is going to be tough. What I would do is to use a dremel cutoff tool to cut a gap in the rails and see if I could straighten it out. Shouldn't take very much gap to straighten a 2 foot section of railhead, I would guess less than 1/16". Once the track is straightened out and resoldered I would prolly use a long syringe or turkey baster or something to reach in as far as I could and put some glue of some sort in there to help keep it still, and run a magnet car - if you have one - through there to catch any pulled up track spikes.

Hopefully some more people will chime in with there own ideas. Good luck.

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