Southern Pacific Switching Layout
Hi Bob, that's a bit harsh don't you think? I know what you mean though, but I think it boils down to a few core issues, and Justin, correct me if I've got it wrong, but I think I've been there myself when I was younger (not that I'm old now, I'm just getting on a bit :-) ) .
Basically: A: You do not have a clear 'vision' of what you want, and this is not made any easier by the many things you like, and can't make up your mind because of that.
B: You want to get things done and 'finished' quicker than is realistic. As many people have said, building a layout takes time, a LOT of time.

So first things first: Have a look at the amount of spare time you can reasonably invest in your model railroad hobby (bearing in mind that college may soak up more than you'd like perhaps), and what you want to achieve. You seem to like a layout that is relatively complete and scenicked, not just tracks on a piece of wood (a.k.a the Plywood Pacific). Making a smaller layout (or even build a modular one, based on Freemo modules or something like that) is probably your best bet at the moment. You'll have something completed in less time that way. But by all means choose something, and then STICK with it for a while. I am currently building a relatively modern layout, but I'd also love steam engines, big articulated loco's etc, but I know I can't have both and don't have the space to run the big steamers anyway, so it's an option I'll have to pass on, and leave to others. Anyway, you know what I mean.
Secondly, try and resist the urge to whack the track down, wire it up and then find that you've got all sorts of problems. That sort of thing very quickly turns your enthusiasm into frustration. Go slow, read up on things you're not quite sure off, ask questions on how to do things on this forum maybe, it will all avoid problems, and realise that Rome wasn't build in one day either. I want a lot myself, and I dream about having a fully scenicked layout etc, but the reality is that due to my job, I can only spend 3 to 6 hours a month on my layout, so my progress is very slow, but you know what? I enjoy those few precious hours even more, I can be myself, forget about the daily issues for a bit, and dream away in my railroad 'emporum'. Whatever you do, try to make FUN your priority, and take it one tiny step at a time, and you'll be at it for a lifetime!

Be sure to visit my model railroad blog at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

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