Burlington County (NJ) Model Railroad Club Open House
"... Reasonable set of skills" ... My ... aren't you modest!

Have they seen the locomotive for which you built the mold and cast your own shell? Good grief! Not just any Hobby Harry with a layout at home can do that, or would even attempt it!

We don't have those types of problems ... of course, I'm the newest guy and i have a couple of projects lined up in succession. But they were going begging, no one seemed interested and I wanted to do what I could to contribute, so I jumped in as the new guy and volunteered. We only have about 35 members, at least half of which are "Snowbirds" and treat the club sort of as a social club for like-minded individuals. In a effort to attract new blood that will actually do something, the initial membership fee was lowered ... I jumped on the opportunity! A dollar saved is a dollar saved, especially being retired in this sad economy!

Don't get me wrong ... there is a core group of fellows who are there at The Depot (what we call the club's building) at least once a week, if not on all three days that we're open. Each of those guys has some task or tasks that they're involved in, from the small group that is developing a schedule for freight operations, based on the prototype, that can hopefully be folded into the passenger schedule, again, based on the prototype, to a couple guys who are doing track maintenance at any spots marked with a small square of blue painte's tape, to the resident Electrical Engineer wiring up a systems of "Traffic Status Boards," showing train locations within that Tower's area of responsibility, to be mounted on the Fascia for when T.O.'s speak on the radios with the Dispatchers (2 - one for each "Division.")

No one seems upset that I have taken on the projects that I have ... in fact, I have been thanked for volunteering.

They're just a good bunch of real gentlemen who all love model railroading!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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