Hello Gang - Some Things about Me
For the period from 2003 until about 2007 / 2008 I was heavily into Model Railway Layouts - spent shedloads of money on Locos and Stock ( that was when I was working ) - 'OO' in my case - that is 4mm to the Foot, 16.5mm Track Gauge.
BUT I do not have a Model Railway Layout. I have been living in rented accomodation and other people's homes for years - since I left my Second Wife in 1985 - nearly all of that time I have been living with my Dear Lady, Karen.

Since 2007 I have been mostly unemployed - and at nearly 62 years of age now, I am effectively Retired. I have been living in this Flat belonging to Karen, since 2007 - no room for any kind of a Layout, and we want to move anyway.
So - we are gonna try to sell this Flat, and buy a House further South, with a Garden. I may take up building a Model Railway Layout to run through the Rockery, the length of the Garden - or maybe one in the Loft, at least it will be all our own place. We are not rich, so it is gonna be a fairly small place - house prices in the U.K. are horrendous.

This WILL be in 'OO' Scale / Gauge though - 4mm to the foot, 1/76 approx. and 18.5mm Gauge - the more accurate Gauges of 18.5mm, 18.82mm would be just too expensive for me to convert all of my Locos and Stock - I am a Poor Man these days.

I did spend a lot of time designing a Model Railway Layout - a very big one, for IF we ever win the Lottery - otherwise not.

One of my other Projects is designing a fully featured modular Electronic Control System, for Cab Control - which will both fully set the required aspects of the Signals, and incorporate full speed limiting control ( and fixed speed limits ) for Locos running on the Line.
This will allow several Locos to run on a single stretch of Line, within their own Blocks - but it will also allow paired Locos to be run as a single unit. This would include Detectors for Stock - which will interract with the control Modules, to stop Locos from running into the back of Trains, or running into stationary Stock.
Believe me, there is NO existing commercial system which can do all of this - I have fully investigated the products available.

I still have a keen Interest in Model Railways - even though I am not able to actually DO much these days.
This interest alernates with my Interest in Weapons and Warfare - both the Alternate Timeline War I have been planning for the last 30 years, and Military Model-Making, which has been on hold for some years, as I have neither space nor money.

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