If I can't read it, I won't!
jmarksbery Wrote:I thought this was a railroad forum, not an English class! Our language is much different than those in English speaking countries elsewhere. Get on with it!
Jim Nope

Sorry but I'm with nacho on this one.

i just can't stand to see a bunch of stuff written out like one run on sentance because someone is too lazy to use capitalization and punctuation trying to sort through what someone is trying to say when they do that is extremely trying expecally wen they start uzing pour grammer and speling or txt spch 2 tri & convay what othrwz mite be helpfl informashun or 2 ask a queshtun

Like I said, I can understand when someone does it if English is not a first language. It is said to be one of the most confusing written languages to learn. However, when someone has grown up their whole life learning English basics and have no handicaps that make typing difficult, why must people resort to laziness just because it's on the internet? It's rude and disrespectful to others you are trying to communicate with.

I will argue with him about Google, however. :mrgreen:
Baby likes to rock it like a boogie-woogie choo-choo train!

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