Adventures in Perspective
Just remember ... the tops of the trees on the south side (the viewed side in this instance) will be the lightest, as they are getting the most light. The color gets just a bit darker as the form of the tree "turns the corner" and begins to "fall away" from the light. Just make sure the "light source" is consistant across each vignette!

You're getting it just fine! Your progress is remarkable, especially for someone who claims no artistic talent and has never attemped a painted backdrop before! This backdrop is going to be a bigger success than you are willing to expect that you are capable of producing! I have no such doubts! Keep working ... it gets better with every revelation!

[You'd be surprized at how many "layers" there are in a visually convincing painting ... or even one of my product marker renderings, for that matter! They don't "just happen" in ten minutes ... they take hours!]

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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