Car advice re 2003 Subaru?

These days the only vehicle I work on is my final automotive design project. Sad

With my COPD, I don't do any real heavy lifting any more and no work at all on my daily driver, "Horace," * a '95 Dodge Dakota that just turned 203,000 on the clock. When I need things done on it (oil change, new brake cylinders in the rear) I buy quality parts at the NAPA store and pay my "similarly misplaced Philadelphian" buddy to have someone in his shop do the work and I only pay for labor. That way, I'm certain I'm getting good parts and I trust him and his guys to do a righteous job on the install. Misngth

* There were two Dodge brothers, John and Horace.
The name John was just too common a name!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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