Backdrop at Mason Park Bridge
Thanks biL. That olive drab color that matches the 3D grass does need to extend more to the right. The water and the bank will get more work for sure. All the shadows from the trees and the variations in grass color, plus getting lighter as we move to the right. Also will look for those bright spots were the sun is brightly highlighting the areas, like up on top of the bank where the slope decreases.

As for that "far away" look, I'll attempt it by adding white to the colors as we move left, but my ace in the hole is a final washing of a very diluted, very light blue, actually it is my horizon color heavily diluted. Dividing the scene into quadrants, and going from left to right, the first quad will get no wash, second quad one wash, third quad two washes, and fourth quadrant three washes. This seemed wffective on the trees at the bayou. The wash tends to mute the colors and tie them together, kind of hazing them a bit, perfect for distance.

Right now, except for the water, I'm considering all the work so far to be behind the main painting. I'm working on the tree trunks now, will post a photo soon. Then from the first to third quadrant, will stipple the leaves on, using a wide variation of greens, dark in the shadows, light in the sunny spots.

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