My New York & Atlantic layout
Kurt - I see you beat me to the backdrop! Ah well, there's still more work to do in the layout space before I can get to mine, and I managed to clean out enough space in the garage finally to tackle working on benchwork indoors. Last year I was relegated to working in the driveway on sunny, dry days during the summer.

Likewise, I will be leaving my corners square. I know it runs counter to current model railroad thinking, what's in vogue, I guess, but also I want the space for scenery and structures more than I want a continuous curve. Plus, a large window breaks up the backdrop flow anyway so why fight it? Square corners it is for me.

When the time comes to carve brick for the Pinto station platform, I'll be using Durham's water putty, a wood filler type material. It's a little harder than plaster once set, but I have carved in it before and enjoy it.

Looking forward to seeing the backdrop painted.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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