Making some trees for Sweethome Alabama
I need to make a lot of trees to cover the 11ft length of Sweethome Alabama in trees.

In addition to the 'sea foam' trees, I also make trees from moulded plastic tree formers (Woodland Scenics, Heki, etc). This time around I'm using florists soft wire and paper tape to make my own tree trunks, as shown in this topic.

I started with a 6inch bundle of wire and started binding it in brown paper tape, both of which are available from florists shops. Branches are bent outwards from the trunk and are bound with the paper tape, as I move up the tree

[Image: IMG_8840.JPG]

[Image: IMG_88431.JPG]

Each wire in the branches is bent outwards and cut to length, before moving on to the next branch. Here are some completed Scots pines and a sycamore, that are fully bound in the paper tape, ready for the next stage

[Image: IMG_8839.JPG]

[Image: IMG_8847.JPG]

[Image: IMG_8846.JPG]

The next stage follows...

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