If I can't read it, I won't!
I have frequently missed the mark while trying to convey a message. I will either structure a paragraph incorrectly, or allow a seperate thought the break the theme of the paragraph.

There are times when I have several thoughts running through my head at a time, and these thoughts will tend to blur together in a nearly manic fashion.
I do try to communicate clearly, but it would seem that I am better spoken then written.

I know that this has caused trouble before. I don't know if Squidbait is refering to me, and I am not taking his post personally. I am just making a point. The point is that it is easy to fall off track with a thought process, especially with external factors. In my case, the external factors are medications and environmental distractions, such as my children, dog, wife, neighborhood activity, ad infinitum.

I am in agreement with Squidbait that there are chronic offenders. A few folks who make no effort to spell correctly, use punctuation, or capitalizations. It pisses me off too. I won't avoid their posts outright, but if the subject line does not seem applicable to me, I will skip it.

Don't follow me, I'm lost too.

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