Pearl Harbor Remembered
P5se Camelback Wrote:I'm not prejudiced, just a realist.

Oh, certainly. Because clearly most, if not all, young Americans speak in carricature Ebonics, and clearly (due to the US Department of Education and Jimmy Carter?) there are no attempts whatsoever in schools to teach them e.g. any form of early American history ....

Anyways - I'll let you have your "Après nous, le déluge" fantasies, while knowing that long after we both are gone, life still will go on, kids still will get an education, kids still will complain about having to learn dumb stuff they won't need after school, and old men still will grump on about "kids these days", while waxing lyrical about how much better everything was back when they were young.

It has only been going on for two millenia or so of recorded history. It is not extremely likely to stop anytime soon :-)


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