Dull Coat before the decals?
Thank you guys for stopping me from making a terrible mistake! I certainly won't spray any dull coat on till the decals are affixed. Like so many others, I've had good luck with the Microscale products to help the decals adhere to the rail car plastic shells, so I won't mess up a good system.

As an aside...I've also read painting Future Floor Wax on with a brush works well to help level the surface and dull the shine, but it takes two coats. From what I've read and been told, the first coat dries glossy and the second coat dries dull. I've got to try this one out for myself on some test car or building...as I happen to have a whole bottle of Future on the shelf. Might as well use if for something since we don't put it on the floor.

Citation Latitude Captain
Lt Colonel, USAF (Retired)

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