Thanks for the info Callum.

Your layout is really starting to take shape even with just the mock ups in place.

Im a bit worried that the nice and shinney dog trailer tanker is short at least one or two axles given its size. A tanker that size here in Australia would probably have a tandem axle 5th wheel unit and definitely tandem rear axles.
Liquids are heavy afterall. Mind you a lot of stuff is transported using B Double units as opposed to truck and dog trailer, except for dirt and aggregates, those guys still like their dog trailers. We do have some B Tripple units here in Victoria, but until recently they were limited to the Ford trucks running between the Geelong plants and the main plant at Broadmeadows in the Northern suburbs of Melbourne.

I just wonder what they used for a prototype model?

Fake It till you Make It, then Fake It some More

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