RobL's "Yet Another Redesign"

Some more good food for thought! Looking over your drawings it seems like the way you found some more space was to drop to min 22" radius, which would certainly work with the equipment I run (18" would work, but I ain't going there!)... Ideally I'd like 36" radius curves or even more, but as usual the room constrains and in fact forces certain limits upon us when building these things!

One of my other "mental blocks" has been reducing the size of the aisles... as with radius curves, the bigger the better... and again, the physical room enforces certain limits there as well. I would think anything narrower than 24" might be potentially troublesome (of course like I said previously it would certainly provide motivation to stay in shape... would be a real pity to have a nice layout and have no physical way to get into the room!)... I am sure 18" could work there as well, as long one is willing to shuffle sideways to avoid accidentally knocking something over on the layout, but to me that would seem like big red flag saying "too much benchwork for the space".

I totally agree with you on my staging... that was literally thrown together in about 15 minutes last night as that was all the time I had on the computer... rev 5 tonight, and I might mess around with some 22" radius plans based on some of your concepts... I just want to be sure that the trains don't look too un-natural going around the curves, which is why I "settled" on 24", in the line of thinking that 18" would work... 20" is just a bit better, 22" is the next standard above 18", lets go 24" to be a bit better than the next standard... but maybe 22" would be a nice compromise to get the most out of the space?!? Maybe "Option 2, rev 1" as well later...


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