Found a easy way of marking styrene or cardstock for a paved area around a loading facility. I always see guys battling to get the exact curve and straight line of the track onto the board which leaves gaps between the rails and the "surface" which is un-prototypical... So here is how I did it:

First cut a large sheet as large as the overall area to be paved... then mark the top of the rails with a highlighting marker which takes a while to dry:


Then Carefully place the sheet over the rails so as the align all the edges as required, do not move the card or place it down incorrectly as you will have a few sets of lines and not be able to see the correct one to cut:


Cut the card on the outes edges on the lines on the card and use a straight edge where you can... You will be left with a middle section larger than needed but if you place it down and overlap a side piece of card that is the correct profile you will have a great template to make sure the curves are all exactly the same... I cut mine down to 15mm and you be the judge:


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