Prayers and Well Wishes Needed!!!!!!
Hello Everyone.

Sorry for the delay in updates. As you can imagine, these past few days have been more than troubling.

My Uncle and I met with the neurologist yesterday morning. He explained to us several things about the EEG results and ended with telling us that my Father's brain stem had no activity. He explained that this is the last part of the brain to stop functioning and there is no possible recovery and that if his heart was to start working again, that he would be in a vegetative state. Shortly after, my Father's pulmonologist came in and suggested I sign the papers to let him go.

My Dad was an organ donor and Life Link oversaw the procedure. They found a possible match for his liver and took him to the OR this morning. Upon removing his liver, they continued their investigation to make sure it had not been contaminated. When looking over his lungs, Life Link found a nodule on my Father's lung. After biopsy, they ruled it a malignant tumor. It was so small that the no one had seen it on the xrays.

I am trying to use this as a positive spin, of sorts. As hard as it is to let my Dad go, he would've had a very hard road ahead with battling Lung Cancer. When compared, I choose to believe that how he went is the lesser of the two evils.

My Father opted for cremation, so we are going to hold off a bit on doing a memorial until we can arrange our spread out family to all be there. I will continue to check in from time to time, and will be sure to let you all know when final plans are made. In the meantime, I am distributing my mailing address for anyone that chooses to send cards or otherwise, which I will file away to be displayed at his memorial.

Again, my appreciation goes out to you all for all of your support though his life, illness and death. I consider you to all be wonderful people, as I know my Father would not have had it any other way.

My heart goes out to you.

Address removed in order to keep it "Private" from potential spam.... contact ANY mod or Admin and we'll Gladly give it to you!!

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