Where do i begin???
I've never heard anyone say, "Gee, sure glad I DIDN'T finish my basement before building the layout!" So that's my advice.

:hey: Finish the basement. You'll be really glad you did. You may not miss it if you never do it, but if you ever do you may think, "Why didn't I do this sooner?" (Sooner = before all the stuff gets moved down there and has to be shifted around in order to finish the basement.)

If you decide what area will be your workbench, then you can get that set up first in order to work on models while finishing the basement BEFORE building the layout. Yes, even a little switching layout. I know, it looks spacious and wonderful right now, but live in it a while and you'll see how much dust drifts down from the rafters, how many 8-legged critters settle in, how the walls weep, etc. and what you need to do in order to make a warm, dry, clean and well lit space in which to enjoy your trains.

Like I said, get the workbench going, finish the basement, and while all that is happening, sketch some plans if you haven't already. But don't just work on a layout plan and THEN start finishing the basement. You may be tempted to just start building the layout. RESIST this temtpation - you may never get the basement finished! Start finishing the basement WHILE planning so that when the plan is ready the basement will be too.

Okay...maybe a little more than 2 cents... :oops: Smile

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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