Backdrop at the Team Track
Thanks everybody. To a certain extent, the work is fun, but on the other hand, it can be tedious. Still, I am quite pleased with the way this is turning out.

Alot of the backdrop will be generic treelines, and they will go much faster than all the detail work on the buildings. Also, I am not convinced that the detail work needs to be taken to this level. Just doing the basic shapes would be quicker. Conventional wisdom says not to do a detailed backdrop because it will distract from the layout, but with a 24" wide shelf, I'm thinking that the backdrop is part of the layout... why not have the visitors looking at it closely?

Also, since I have done a few ops sessions on Mike Spoor's CB&Q layout, while running the trains, the backdrop is certainly not a distraction, because 95% of the focus is on the trains anyway.

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