Grade 8 Exam
MountainMan Wrote:Not to mention the fact the Columbus never landed on the American continent at all.
Some of us believe Columbus must have been a Democrat:
1. When he left, he didn't know where he was going.
2. When he arrived, he didn't know where he was.
3. When he returned, he wasn't sure where he had been, and
4. He did it all on borrowed money. 35
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I wouldn't call him a Democrat -- more like an average modern American, Democrat, Republican, Independent, etc.
" Columbus never landed on the American continent at all. "
--- see 2.
" 1. When he left, he didn't know where he was going. "
--- His GPS wasn't working.
" 2. When he arrived, he didn't know where he was. "
--- Ditto
" 3. When he returned, he wasn't sure where he had been. "
--- Hmmmm.......Ditto again.---- or, he was too busy texting to pay attention to where he was.
" 4. He did it all on borrowed money. "
--- Cheers , and just like most modern Americans, he had at least three credit cards maxed out ! Confusedhock: Big Grin Big Grin
No, I am a Senior Executive Vice President of Bio Gas Technology --- I have one card, and it is paid down monthly.
I also do not use GPS. I prefer Multiple Application Positioning Systems --- MAPS.
Columbus was simply a graduate of the School of Uncharted Courses. 357
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
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