PRR A5 0-4-0
The final chapter.

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[Image: dsc01243sfs8.jpg]

Here the little A5 has got her decaling and her final details, ready for switching. Do'nt ask how i managed to fit the tiny lenses of the marker lights. It was a story with tape, CA glued together fingers and much "not so political correct expressions" Curse
But she runs woderful.

[Image: dsc01963dirl.jpg]
Here we did some fun photos during the build of an commercial exhibition layout of European prototype.

[Image: dsc02365b8zm.jpg]
And that is my next project. The built of switching layout, the A5 and my other switchers must have an home.

I have read your remarks about the spark arrestor. Those photos i have recherched before the built, but it is not allowed in Gemany to set deep links because of copy rights. Only common links are allowed when public acessible. I studied about two hundred photos and found every A5 is individual. E.g. when you look only to the tender trucks you found several types of trucks. And there are much more details which differs from loco to loco.
Thank you for watching the built of the A5 out of an Bowser kit.


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