How do you name your layout/help me name mine!!
Oh, and my 'Ocali Creek Railway' is named after a native american chief, for whom my boyhood town of Ocala is named. The ocali creek is the principal waterway my shortline follows into the hills of Appalachia, and the Railway is a nod to the Virginian and N&W which were both Railways, not Railroads, per se. I've got the decals now so I suppose it's official.

My current layout depicts only a portion of the OCRy that runs up a side valley (or hollow - pronounced 'holler'). It will probably be something like the '_____ Valley Branch' of the Ocali Creek Railway. For a brief while my son was enrolled at Pioneer Valley elementary so it was going to be the Pioneer Valley, but we found out we were actually in a different zone so he's now at Frederickson and I don't like the sound of that as much...but it's growing on me. I don't actually have to name it, I suppose, until I publish an article about the layout.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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