Alternative to the NMRA Master Model Railroader?
Interesting responses. Only a few of you - still more than I expected - chose the 'it's all good' cop-out, but that's okay. I don't intend to ruffle feathers. I really wanted to see if there were a common understanding or set of shared ideas about what a master model railroader is or does.

Let's redefine what Master Model Railroader means (NOT the NMRA definition). I personally don't have anything against the NMRA, I've just decided it's not for me. This thread is not an NMRA bashing opportunity - I will not stoop to that.

Not to take away anything from anyone who has earned the title, but how many guys do you know who, in your estimation, fit the description of an MMR without having participated in the 'official' program? What sets a layout apart from others?

I learn something from every layout I visit in person or look at online. Sometimes I learn what to do, and sometimes what not to do. Some things I don't like are not a matter of personal taste but are just sloppy workmanship and modeling that shows a lack of care or precision. Don't read more into that statement than there is - I'm not discrediting freelance railroads or fantasy modeling or giant plastic dinosaurs, nor am I saying that one type of layout is 'better' than another. But we have all seen layouts that somehow seem to be very well done, moreso than others. Whether a modeler is particularly talented or has just been at it longer, there's something polished and presentable about the layout and nearly every aspect of the modeling that just works, regardless of scale, gauge, era or theme.

Remember there is a difference between judging and judgmentalism. One is based on a set of agreed upon standards or ideals, the other on opinions.

So here's a first idea - a master model railroader has built or is building a layout - not a diorama, but a layout on which model trains run. Agree or disagree?

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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