mountaingoatgreg Wrote:Ed,

It sure is amazing how a few changes can really effect the whole operation of a layout!
I am glad you are being smart and playing around with things before commiting full on to your final version. I know what you mean about mockups, I was playing around with scrap cardboard, plastic sheet and tape today trying to get things to come out right. I guess if I was thinking stright I would have gone upstairs and cut into my 4 X 8 sheet of .060 styrene 35

Post some pictures of your track in place with some cars on it when ever you get things "In place"
I've more than pleased that I decided to actually pin various track arrangements in place and even make a couple of so-so mockups to see how things would work out. Far too often, what looks great on paper does not work so great when you put it down. Been down that road a few times over the years.

As for you cutting up your 4x8 sheet of .060 styrene, I'd hold off on doing that until you're going for real. And photos... well they may come along at some point, once I say "this is it" and can actually start building the new shelf and put up a backdrop. Will be a while due to the medical problems, but in the mean time, there are plenty of things I can work on to keep the juices flowing. Just need to stop these fellows like Kurt from coming up with new plans that cause me to re-think what I'm doing!
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