Ed - ref your latest trackplan. Go to Google Maps and put in "Brookwood Drive, Olympia SC", then select satelite view, and move in on the marker pin and you should be on Duval and Brookwood. You should be approximately halfway between two spur tracks running southwest/northeast. Either could be your trackplan although both spurs use three-way turnouts rather than your seperate LH/RH ones. Modelling follows prototype into multiple Inglenook layouts!
So now if you want to enlarge your layout, you could operate from between two peninsulas! And to really complicate things, follow the tracks down to the southwest to the spur that they both kick back from, and then run north turning northeast, and see the yard that parallels the spurs that you were looking at originally - You could wind up with one heck of a switching layout! in an E-shape. A friend and I found this by accident some while ago, poking about on Streetview.
Have fun

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