Best day of my life
Mike Kieran Wrote:Don, do people really complain about that? I've been to Phoenix and it wasn't too bad. You just have to carry a water bottle or chew gum to keep from going dry. Besides, the events are indoors.
Yeah, you're right, even the game tomorrow is in a domed and air conditioned ballpark. Some people can't take it, like last week when it got up to 118, that's hot, but remember, it's a dry heat. When the humidity is in the single digits and the dew point is negative, it's dry. Still, it's rare to see any national conventions being held here in the summer. It's been years since we've even seen one of the traveling train shows, like " World's Greatest Hobby" or "Great Train Expo" here and we're the sixth largest city in the country. I don't know, but someone must not like coming here.
Don (ezdays) Day
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