What happened to "Robin at his best?"
One of the things we had planned for when we opened the Academy here was to duplicate a number of things that we had over at the old place. This, of course, is one of those things. :oops: Like all good intentions, they sometimes slip away and then get forgotten. We really need to add a couple of sub-forums to deal with this. I thank you for reminding us to get busy on doing something about it before some good things get lost. That was our fear a few years ago when that madman took over that knew diddly about trains and paper models and proposed to start deleting threads just because they weren't active for a while. 35 That threat went away when they ran that guy off, but we still need to do what we intended to. In the meantime, I guess you'll have to go over to the old place to find those threads since that's where they still are.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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