TastyBake ISL
Hi Russ,

Thanks so much for the information on the yard tractors. You filled in a lot of blank areas for me. Originally when I started the design I thought that it was improbable that you would find these yard tractors anywhere other than intermodal yards. The more research I do on the subject the more I see other mid to large industries using them too.

You said,
Quote:For a bakery, most of their product will be shipped out by truck because the product is perishable and a truck is faster than the train because the driver can take it directly point to point without having to send it to a yard, have it switched into a train and then sent to another yard to be switched into a local delivery.

Ok, this makes sense to me, but what if the bakery also produced dry cake mixes like Duncan Hines or Betty Crocker. Would it then make sense that they might also use the rails for some shipments?


Thanks and welcome to the forum. In addition to the Atlas 25,500 gallon tank cars, Walthers also has/had some 23,000 gallon funnel flow cars decorated for vegetable oil service that show up regularly on eBay. You can see them here <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.walthers.com/exec/search?category=&scale=&manu=walthers&item=&keywords=23%2C000+vegetable+oil&words=restrict&instock=Q&split=30&Submit=Search">http://www.walthers.com/exec/search?cat ... mit=Search</a><!-- m -->

I got a couple of these Athearn Genesis tank cars and I’m not sure whether they would be used for vegetable oil in real life, but I’ll be using them for it on the layout. The detail on these cars is incredible and I got a really good deal on them. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.athearn.com/Products/Default.aspx?ProdID=ATHG96505">http://www.athearn.com/Products/Default ... =ATHG96505</a><!-- m -->

Hey Herc Driver,

I was hoping that you were going to stop in. We share a couple of things…first names and a love for the Southern Railway. LifeLike? Nope, it’s a brass Oriental Limited engine from the late 80’s if I remember correctly. I remember seeing them advertised in Model Railroader magazine. I scored it on eBay a few years ago. It runs ok, but I will need to do some work to the trucks to make them look and run better. It’s a project for future and I’m sure I will be asking for some help here.

Gary S,

Thanks for the compliments. I only hope that I can get close to the quality of your work. Your layout is truly amazing. Eek


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