I'm back. It has been a crazy week!
I had a biopsy done on my prostate Monday afternoon. I felt pretty good on Tuesday afternoon and had some craft supplies to take to a church camp in the mountains about 90 miles away, so I drove up to the mountains to camp. After less than 1/2 hour at camp, I got chills, fever, and nausea. The camp called 911 and when the paramedics arrived I threw up. I was transported down the mountain to San Bernardino Community Hospital to the e-r. At the e-r my blood pressure fell to 81 over 58. They started an I-V to restore my blood pressure, and I waited in the e-r for a bed to open in icu. Apparently, I had an e-coli infection from the biopsy that the cipro the urologist had prescribed did not touch! I went to icu late Tuesday night and then to the tele unit on Wed. evening after my blood pressure stabilized. Thursday I was taken off of the tele monitors and transferred to a bed on the med-surg floor. I finally was released to come home Sat morning. The nurse on the med surg floor who also is certified to install a PICC line put in a 48 inch catheter in my left arm going through the vein to one of the main veins going into my heart and my wife (an RN) is administering the antibiotic every evening for the next 10 days! Needless to say not what I had planned to do last week! I'm feeling pretty good now except that I didn't get much sleep in the hospital so I'm catching up, but it was a close thing. Fortunately the camp was in session and had a nurse on staff as well as a second nurse who is the wife of the speaker that week, and I got sick up there where my truck is parked and locked in the camp parking lot rather than getting sick on the highway, and having to put my truck in storage until I could retrieve it.

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