I'm back. It has been a crazy week!
I'm fine now. My wife administers the antibiotic daily (glad I married a nurse). My only restriction is that I can't lift any weight with my left arm until the catheter is out. Believe me, when I first heard about that catheter I was freaked out as well. Turns out the worst part of it is the shot of lydacaine the nurse used to numb the area where she made the insertion with the needle. She needed me to be awake to move my head as directed to make sure the catheter went down toward the heart and not up my neck toward the brain when she put it in. She used an ultrasound wand to follow the catheter and then before they pull the wire out of the middle, a portable xray machine was brought to my room to make sure it was located correctly. I don't even feel the catheter once it is in place.

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