Some finishing details...
As Greg pointed out earlier my resident Lord of the Sith took a personal interest in my goings on. He expressed his displeasure at my "current lack of progress".

(He also mentioned something about an Emperor visiting , but I wasn't really listening when he began to ramble about me, "not knowing the power of the Dark Side!" yadda yadda...)

Regardless he ordered a clean up of the lake area and the immediate installation of the Transfer Slip.

I also managed to wire up the electrical underneath, got my final Switch It wired up and programmed ( which means all Torts are now run through the cab! Yippie! ).

Work is steadily progressing on my car float. The simple 1'x4'x6" pine board was cut and shaped last week, track lines were plotted on it and track has been attached to the deck. I may have jumped the gun (again) however I also wired up the float to track power and successfully parked an entire string of 8 40' Box Cars, plus a van and loco on the deck. I found a couple of great photos which will help me model a reasonable representation of the float as well, so I am super stoked about how this is going to turn out.

All in all, Turns out Vader is a bit of rail fan who after frightening all the LPB's away, (due to his enormous size!) actually sat down and watched the Float Operations. Misngth

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[Image: IMG00234-20110807-2040.jpg]

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