Please help save a museum!
I quite frankly don't understand what is going on there. If the Historical Society owns the equipment, and has a right for it to be where it is, then they also have a right to fix it up. You need an attorney and you need one now, and don't think for one minute that equipment can't be trucked out in pick-up trucks after it is cut into small pieces. I know of exactly that happening to a GP9 that a group would not move from a cities property after it had been ordered to do so, the city got a court injunction and sent a scrapper in and it was cut up and sold for scrap.
I understand what it is like to work for something and lose it. Years ago the group I was involved with lost a railroad line that was 12.9 miles long with an 1100 foot 100 foot high trestle and a 1/4 mile long tunnel that could have been made class one and operable for the first 7 miles with about 200 man hours of work, all due to infighting in the group.
Usually where politics are involved, try to follow the path the money will take.
Good luck.

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