N-Scale Climax ?
Well this is what is finished so far. I have added the driveshafts (bend-a-rod) and the couplers. Also learned Curse don't waste my time building car sides until AFTER the couplers are on cause the sides will be too short otherwise!


With a bunch of fake puter smoke we see "No Fingers" going for a test run. She took 6 cars and a caboose up a 4% grade while going thru a compound curve, 12 cars no problem on a 2% grade and thru a curve . I'm satisfied with the performance needless to say!


Thanks guys! O.K. David, I'll bite. You don't have the space??? Man it's only 3" x1/2"x3/4" Goldth

Well here is a stuck together mock-up? The sides would still have to be painted/weathered as would the roof. Still need to make the wood ends for the front and back, weather the trucks and add details like foot boards etc. While I haven't seen any with front windows and only a few with rear windows, side windows were fairly common. Also thinking about cloth curtains for the doorways, while trying to see if it is truly starting to look like a Climax. Comments????????????????


Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string

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